Aggressive Scan in Nmap | Nmap Tutorial

What is Nmap?

Nmap is open source Network Penetration testing tool. Which is used for network testing and is a noiseee tool that can easily detect the network firewall.

And using this tool you can be easily able to find the services and host

What is an Aggressive Scan?

The aggressive mode can help us to find the OS detection and Version detection, Script Scanning, Traceroute, etc.

If you want to use the Aggressive mode in nmap use the command  -A 

Script 1: nmap -A 

In the Aggressive scan, it will scan Only the top 1000 TCP Ports 

In this scan, you can able get the OS Name and service of that version 

If you want the Scan Fast in the namp use the command -F 

Script 2: nmap -F 

In the Fast scan, it will scan only the top 100 TCP Ports 

In the Nmap, we can able Scan two Host at one line of command

Script 3: nmap -F

If you want to scan only that version of the system or service use the command -sV

Script 4: nmap -sV 

If you want to scan only the open ports and service use the command --open

Script 5: nmap --open 

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