So load the IP In the browser
Join in the membership
So first we going to take the Nmap scan
STEP 1: nmap -sC -sV
The result has been shown below
So in this Nmap scan, I have found some interesting port which is 22 SSH
So next I have tried the directory brute force using gobuster.
STEP 2: gobuster -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x php
by emulating this directory I founded a lot of directories which are shown below.
Further, analyzing this report I have found an interesting directory which is nav.php.
So in this directory, I have found that create an account.
which is able to create an account on this website. but this page has been redirected to login.php
So I have used tricks to create an account so let I will explain to you.
First, I have opened the burpsuite tool to capture the request.
So I have captured the request... next right-click the mouse you get the do intercept option and click the response to this request ( shown below image)
And the send request to response
Now you get the response in the burpsuit and change status code which 302 to 200 ok
use this trick to change 302 to 200 in request and send the response to the browser
Now you can able to see that we can create the account on the website.
Now create a username and password it only your wish. username test123 password test321
Now we are successfully login into the site
Next click the file menu we got the one interesting file which is sitebackup.zip
So download the file and extract it.
We got some interesting PHP files.
Further analyzing this I got two interesting files which are config.php and logs.php.
In this config.php we got the username and password for the MySQL database.
Next to another file is logs.php in this file I got the one vulnerability which is os command injection.
In this PHP file, the developer has been returned in python you can able to see the below image.
In the file, there is a delimiter and not sanitized properly which we can able to perform the os command injection.
You can study os command injection on this website.
Enter to file log you can able to see the delimiter. so capture this request in a burpsuit.
Now we going to inject the payload you can able download using the below link
Before that start the netcat
STEP 3: nc -lvp 7070
So injected the downloaded payload in the delimiter which is shown in the image.
Now you get the shell in the netcat.
Next, we going to search username and password in the MySQL database
We got one interesting file in the site backup folder which is config.php
In this file, there is a username and password, and a database also.
STEP 4: mysql -u root -D previse
Now it will ask the password so enter the password mySQL_p@ssw0rd!:)
Now you can able to enter it into in MySQL database.
STEP 5: show tables;
Now it shows the tables ( shown below image)
STEP 6: select from * account
Now it will show the account and password.
So the username is m4lwhere and the password is in the hash format.
Next, we going to crack the password using hashcat ( shown below image)
use the wordlist rockyou.txt
So the password is ilovecody112235!
Next, we going to enter into the SSH port which we have found in the Nmap scan.
Now we get the shell user shell
Now we get the user.txt which is the user flag.
So next we going to take over the root flag using privilege escalation
STEP 7: sudo -l
Now it will ask for the password so enter the password ilovecody112235!
Now it will show something ( shown in the below image)
If you want to analyze you can able to cat the file
STEP 8: cat
Further analyzing the file I have found a vulnerability which is path injection
So now enter into the tmp folder.
transfer the payload and the payload should be in the name of gzip.
You can able download the payload using the below link
STEP 9: nc -lvp 7071
Next, go to the machine and enter the below command
First, enter the downloaded payload shown in the below image
STEP 10: chmod 777 gzip
STEP 11: export PATH=/tmp:$PATH
Next, run the binary shown in the below image.
And see the netcat you got the shell.
Next, go to the back directory using the cd .. command
STEP 12: cd root
boooooooooooooooooooooooooom !!!!!!
We got the root flag which is root.txt
STEP 13: cat root.txt
After changing the request from 302 to 200 and then pressing the forward button,and after that putting the credential username and password what we have to do?
ReplyDeletedoes we have to close the intercept off? i am unable to create an user while doing your process ?help me!
change the response
Deletenot getting the netcat shell
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